Test and tweak
The biggest hurdle for new traffic buyers to overcome is that it will take some time to test and tweak your campaigns.
If things were as simple as ordering 100k hits and sending them directly to an affiliate ref link, everybody would be doing it.
Put yourself in the surfer's shoes. Design landing pages that get your attention. Design landing pages that get people to stay, read, click and buy. If you buy skimmed MGP traffic, the surfer will expect to see a video on your page. So include a short embeded video. Give the surfer what he wants and expects and use the remaining space on your page to sell him something. Or even better, use the video itself to sell something. Don't show him some random 2 minute clip. No, edit the video. Turn it into a sample/trailer hybrid. Or show him a longer video and sell him the ability to download a higher quality version. Or give him a higher quality version if he fills out a questionnaire.